Save The Happi Hippos


The Happi Hippo Protection Front

Happi Hippos are dying, either from consumption or S.L.U.M.P.Y( Happi Hippo Slumberbag icitcis). Happi Hippos enjoy synchronised swimming, participating in a parade for freedom rights everywhere! SAVE THE HAPPI HIPPOS, is trying to stop Kinder selling these beautiful, rare creatures to cunsumers everywhere.


The happi hippo advertisement made by Kinder is disgusting. A Hippo literally comes over to a boy and girl and says, 'Hey, why don't you eat my family and friends'. Then the children bite the Happy Hippo's head off and say, 'Yum'. We think this is appalling and demand that advertisement is taken off the air. (Note: We can't actually do that.)

Happi hippos have been shot at by Clint Eastwood, eaten by Brad Pitt, but still have no freedom. Many people buy Happi Hippos for their sweet taste, cute looks and Hippo likeness, though barely any people buy Happi Hippos for their sweet and sensitive nature and don't eat them.

HappyHippos are copyright to Kinder